Tactical Warfare Guide

Tactical Warfare Guide (Mobile)

1) Function

- UI where you can see currently existing game rooms or use various functions at ingame

2) Screen layout
No. Description
1 Quick game start
2 Move to the list of current existing game rooms
3 Training mode where you can have practice game with AI
4 Enter and show chatting
5 Weapon information currently equipped
6 Network condition information
2.1) Detail

- It creates new game room if there is no available game room that player can enter by QUICK PLAY
- You can create new game room at ROOM LIST

No. Description
1 Main lobby
2 Shop – player can buy various kinds of items
3 Inventory – player can equip or detach (un-equip) items
4 Option – player can set graphic, effect, sound, sensitivity etc
5 Community – player can use community through community plug
6 Mailbox – player can check mail
7 Attendance event – player can get rewards through attendance everyday
3) Game room create
3.1) Function

- Create room by “Create Room” button

3.2) Screen layout
No. Description
1 Create game room
2 Secret room icon – Show if the room is open or secret
3 Intrusion icon – Show the availability of intrusion
4 Secret room setting – You can create secret room once after setting the password if you check on that.
5 Spectator setting – Set if you would allow spectators
3.3) Details

- You can create game room through “Create Room” button at waiting room list
- You can enter game room by selecting game room and “Enter Room” button

4) Game room settings
4.1) Function

- Setting for game room and how to start the game

4.2) Screen layout
4.3) Detail

- You can set game mode/time, mission, room password, intrusion, spectator after game room setting.
- You can change the bag from equipped item
- Game mode types and description

No. Menu Description
1 Bag setting You can change the bag equipped(also can change character at inventory)
2 Map change You can change map you want
3 Game mode change Change the game modes into Team death, Blasting, Annihilation, Special mode
Game time You can set proper time for each game mode or own preference
Mission(goal) You can set goal of target kill or round
4 Players It shows participating player’s information at Eagle/Wolf team
5 Game start/ready Button for game start or ready / Current version has only game start
6 Back You can back to the game room list when clicking
7 Intrusion check box You can set intrusion setting when checking
8 Secret room check box You can set room password and setting when checking
9 Spectate check box You can set spectator’s participation when checking
10 Spectator slot It shows spectator’s information if it has spectator

Game play

5) Basic interface
5.1) Function

- It shows basic information for game play

5.2) Screen layout
No. Description
1 Option / Dashboard
2 It shows state window for current game procedure and time
(Left time for current game), and network state
3 Mini map(Shows spawn area, target, allies, enemies)
4 Kill message(Shows kill, death, and assist user)
5 Radio message
6) How to control
No. Description
1 Move in every direction(forward/backward/left/right)
2 Fire/Rotation
3 Zoom/Fine sight
4 Sit
5 HP information (player’s current HP)
6 You can see weapon information(currently selected weapon and the number of shots), and can switch the weapon
7 Reload
8 Quick switch from main weapon to sub-weapon
9 Jump
7) Planting C4
No. Description
1 Icon to be shown when having C4
2 Icon which means you can install it would be shown when you arrive at the C4 installation area
8) Spectator mode
8.1) Function

- You can see allies’ gameplay when you died

8.2) Screen layout
8.3) Detail
No. Description
1 Ally’s nickname information who are in spectator mode now
You also can see currently using weapon and HP information
9) Shop / Premium shop
9.1) Function

- Shop : Where you can see and purchase normal items
- Premium shop : Where you can purchase advanced items at ingame

9.2) Screen layout
No. Description
1 It shows purchasable normal weapon and character, also about weapon item and feature
2 Show where player can purchase special item and gacha item
10) Inventory
10.1) Function

- Where player can see own items and equip it

10.2) Screen layout
10.3) Detail
No. Description
1 It shows player’s own weapon, character and equipment item.
Player can equip it by clicking the item, and also can see selected items’ status feature and information.
11) Personal profile
11.1) Function

- Special feature for player to check game play information in detail
- The purpose is letting player grasp current situation by checking own winning rate and K/D/A

11.2) Screen layout
11.3) Detail
No. Description
1 It shows character’s play information.
12. Option
12.1) Function

- You can modify the setting from Option

12.2) Screen layout
12.3) Detail
No. Description
1 You can set graphic / game sound / mouse sensitivity / account management

Tactical Warfare Guide (PC WEB)

1. Game Play
1-1. Basic Interface

1) Function - Show basic information for game play.

2) Screen Layout

No. Description
1 Mini-Map (Spawn Area, Objectivity, Ally, Enemies)
2 The game Progress indicator, Time limit (Display remaining time of current game)
3 Kill Message (Display Kill, Death, Assist, Players)
4 HP Information (Show player’s HP)
5 Weapon information (Display selected weapon and number of bullets)

3) Key Setting

Category Function Key
Combat Shot/ Install C4 Mouse Left Button
Aiming / Zoom Mouse Right Button
Mouse Right Button W
Move Backward S
Move Left A
Move Right D
Crouch Shift
Select Primary Weapon 1
(when you click ‘1’ continuously, you can use dual weapon)
Select Secondly Weapon 2
Select Melee Weapon 3
Select Grenade 4
Select C4 5
Drop the weapon G
Jump Space Bar
Mouse sensitivity [ , ]
ETC Show Information Tab
Radio Message Z, X, C
MiniMap + / - +, -
Menu ESC
Bomb setting / release E
Full Screen On Alt + Enter
Full Screen Off Esc

4) Clear cache data - Cache can accumulate and cause errors. If you’re having trouble, please clear your browser’s cache using the [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Delete] keyboard shortcut and try again.

1-2. Radio Message

1) Function - Radio messages make you to seamlessly communicate with your team members by selecting pre-saved messages.
(Using of radio messages is more effective than chatting during urgent battles.)

2) Screen Layout

No. Description
1 When the radio messages z, x, and c buttons are pressed, the menu is shown in the lower right corner. Entering the number of the menu once more, the message is output